Kiki in the studio

My friend kiki and I participated in a photo scavenger hunt and our team photos won the judge's favourite and placed second overall. As our prize, we got some studio time, which we took full use of this past weekend.  Kiki and I, we take pictures of everything and photographing each other is no exception - she has been my subject on numerous occasions.  It's always so much fun taking pictures of each other and this is our first time in a studio together.  We arrived with a luggage each full of clothes, shoes and accessories (and wigs!) and the first thing kiki said she wanted was big big hair, but that wasn't so easy to maintain.  I hope I was as good of a subject for her as she was for me. 

Not only is she a gorgeous model, she's an awesome photographer as well. Go see for yourself and say hi:  Lesley Wong Photography


  1. Thanks Belle - I love the photos!!! We must do this again soon! :)

  2. Awesome! I can't wait. Remember our next theme is "ghetto". :D

  3. Haha! Oh dear, my interpretation of "ghetto" is gonna be so vanilla. I better do some research.

  4. I love seeing the creative photos you took together!



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About Moi

Welcome to my photographic blog. There are three distractions I love the most, reading, photography and design. You can visit my photo-journal here. For more me click: about me